// This is for Show more button in Breadcrumb $('body').click(function(e) { var langCode = Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getLanguageId(); if ($(e.target).closest('.breadcrumb_wrap').length === 0) { if (langCode == "hi_IN") { $(".showbreadcrumbdropdown span").text('\u0905\u0927\u093F\u0915 \u0926\u0947\u0916\u0947\u0902'); $('.breadcrumb_dropdown').hide(); } else { $(".showbreadcrumbdropdown span").text('Show More'); $('.breadcrumb_dropdown').hide(); } } }); // end // Scrolling to top functionality $(document).ready(function() { $("#btnTop").click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow"); return false; }); $(window).scroll(function() { var height = $(window).scrollTop(); if (height > 300) { $('#btnTop').fadeIn(); } else { $('#btnTop').fadeOut(); } }); }); // end // open pdf whic is in navbar in new blank window $('.navbar-nav a[href$=".pdf"] , .featureList a[href$=".pdf"]').attr('target', '_blank'); //end // chat bot script $('.chat_bot_button').click(function() { $("#chat_box").toggle(); 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